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1)Wada M, Nagasawa H, Kawanami T, Kurita K, Daimon M, Kubota I, Kayama T, Kato T: Cystatin C as an index of cerebral small vessel disease: results of a cross-sectional study in community-based Japanese elderly. Eur J Neurol 2010;17:383-390

2)Karasawa S, Daimon M, Sasaki S, Toriyama S, Oizumi T, Susa S, Kameda W, Wada K, Muramatsu M, Fukao A, Kubota I, Kawata S, Kayama T, Kato T: Association of the Common Fat Mass and Obesity Associated(FTO)Gene Polymorphism with Obesity in a Japanese Population. Endocr J 2010;57(4):293-301

3)Maruyama H, Morino H, Ito H, Izumi Y, Kato H, Watanabe Y, Kinoshita Y, Kamada M, Nodera H, Suzuki H, Komure O, Matsuura S, Kobatake K, Morimoto N, Abe K, Suzuki N, Aoki M, Kawata A, Hirai T, Kato T, Ogasawara K, Hirano A, Takumi T, Kusaka H, Hagiwara K, Kaji R, Kawakami H: Mutations of optineurin in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Nature 2010;465(13):223-226

4)Nakagami T, Tajima N, Oizumi T, Karasawa S, Wada K, Kameda W, Susa S, Kato T, Daimon M: Hemoglobin A1c in predicting progression to diabetes. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2010;87:126-131

5)Ishiguro T, Ishikawa K, Takahashi M, Obayashi M, Amino T, Sato N,Sakamoto M, Fujigasaki H, Tsuruta F, Dolmetsch R, Arai T, Sasaki H, Nagashima K, Kato T, Yamada M, Takahashi H, Hashizume Y, Mizusawa H: The carboxy-terminal fragment of α1A calcium channel preferentially aggregates in the cytoplasm of human spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 Purkinje cells. Acta Neuropathol 2010;119:447-464

6)Yamamoto M, Shiono Y, Suzuki I, Kouno K, Hiroshima Y, Kato Y, Tajima K, Kato T: Bloodstream infections in patients with hematological malignancies at the adult hematology ward of Yamagata University Hospital. Yamagata Med J 2010;28(2):39-49

7)Sagae M, Kawanami T, Nagasawa H, Koyama S, Kimura H, Arawaka S, Wada M, Kurita K, Daimon M, Kato T: Reduced contribution of hypertension to the risk of silent brain infarction in the elderly: a population-based study in Takahata, Japan. Yamagata Med J 2010;28(2):51-58

8)Kato T, Emi M, Sato H, Arawaka S, Wada M, Kawanami T, Katagiri T, Tsuburaya K, Toyoshima I, Tanaka F, Sobue G, Matsubara K: Segmental copy-number gain within the region of isopentenyl diphosphate isomerase genes in sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2010;402:438-442

9){C}Machiya Y, Hara S, Arawaka S, Fukushima S, Sato H, Sakamoto M, Koyama S, Kato T: Phosphorylated α-Synuclein at Ser-129 ls Targeted to the Proteasome Pathway in a Ubiquitin-independent Manner. J Biol Chem 2010;285(52):40732-40744

10)Shichishima T, Ikeda K, Takahashi N, Kameoka J, Tajima K, Murai k, Tamai Y, Shichishima-N A, Akutsu K, Noji H, Okamoto M, Kimura H, Harigae H, Oyamada T, Kamesaki T, Takeishi Y, Sawada K: Low concentration of serum haptoglobin has impact on understanding complex pathophysiology in patients with acquired bone marrow failure syndromes. Int J Hematol 2010;91:602-610

11)Konta T, Takasaki S, Ichikawa K, Emi M, Toriyama S, Satoh H, Ikeda A, Suzuki K, Mashima Y, Shibata Y, Watanabe T, Kato T, Kawata S, Kubota I: The novel and independent association between single-point SNP of NPH4 gene and renal function in non-diabetic Japanese population:the Takahata study. J Hum Genet 2010;55:791-795 

12)Tanji H, Koyama S, Kawanami T, Kato T: Late-onset familial amyloid polyneuropathy unrelated to known endemics. Intern Med 2010;49:2367

13)Nishise Y, Saito T, Makino N, Okumoto K, Ito JI, Watanabe H, Saito K, Togashi H, Ikeda C, Kubota I, Daimon M, Kato T, Fukao A, Kawata S: Relationship between alcohol consumption and serum adiponectin levels: the Takahata study--a cross-sectional study of a healthy Japanese population. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2010;95(8):3828-35

14)Tanabe Y, Kawasaki R, Wang JJ, Wong TY, Mitchell P, Daimon M, Oizumi T, Kato T, Kawata S, Kayama T, Yamashita H: Retinal arteriolar narrowing predicts 5-year risk of hypertension in Japanese people: the Funagata study. Microcirculation 2010;17(2):94-102

15)Nishiyama S, Watanabe T, Arimoto T, Takahashi H, Shishido T, Miyashita T, Miyamoto T, Nitobe J, Shibata Y, Konta T, Kawata S, Kato T, Fukao A, Kubota I: Trends in coronary risk factors among patients with acute myocardial infarction over the last decade: The Yamagata AMI Registry. J Atheroscler Thromb 2010;17:989-998

16)猪狩龍佑,伊関憲,阿部さち,東海林正邦,佐藤恵,下村慶子,林田昌子,杉浦明日美,岩下義明,緑川新一:マムシ咬傷により複視・眼瞼下垂をきたした1例.BRAIN and NERVE 2010;62(3):273-277

17)伊関千書,佐藤裕康,和田学,栗田啓司,加藤丈夫:髄膜脳炎と多発ニューロパチーで高齢発症したsystemic lupus erythematosus(SLE)1男性例.神経内科 2010731):74-77

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2)  大門真,大泉俊英,加藤丈夫:舟形研究.日本臨床 2010685):843-846

3)  木村英紀,川並透,加藤丈夫:CMV脳炎.Clinical Neuroscience 2010; 28(3):278-279

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7) 木村英紀,加藤丈夫:パーキンソン病の疫学.綜合臨牀 2010592371-2376

8)  Arawaka S, Machiya Y, Kato T: Heat Shock Proteins as Suppressors of Accumulation of Toxic Prefibrillar Intermediates and Misfolded Proteins in Neurodegenerative Diseases. Curr Pharm Biotechnol 2010;11:158-166


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お知らせ 2017,4,20
